Tuesday, September 21, 2010

RePost by Saida Yusuf via Xanga (2)

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

  • Dr. Carr's Lecture by Saida Yusuf

    This lecture in freshman seminar has touched me the most to date. Dr. Carr lamented on our African roots and great African societies we never really learned about in our secondary school career. Dr Carr went over African terms we should all be familiar with, such as Sedjem (listen) or Ma'at (Truth). We became familiar with many of the truths of the land of Kemet or Egypt, and we learned of how African Deep Thought is the true basis for the new generation word of Academics. Once actually thought about, the reality that Africans have been making great intellectual discoveries and thoughts that have been recorded, or even a written language, and various inventions thousands of years prior to the Enlightenment of Europe, while Europeans were in the dark ages is incredibly uplifting, and adds to why this lecture as a whole was the most awakening to date for myself.

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