Tuesday, September 21, 2010

RePost by Saida Yusuf via Xanga

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

  • My Response on the First Lecture

    When arriving in Freshman seminar, i had no idea what i was getting myself into. I truly believed it would be a course designed primarily to teach Freshman students solely about Howard University, easing the assimilation process. However, i was shocked when the first lecture given was based on Howards history as a University, but elaborated on our collective African heritage, and black pioneers that paved the way for our latest generation. I came to understand that we would truly be nothing nor would we be here today in the dorms of this prestigious University without the help of our older sisters and brothers who made the transition from slave to respected intellect with their innovative literature, inventions, or education. The history of Howard University alone produces many of these respected black individuals, with alum such as Toni Morison or Zora Neale Hurston, halls named after Frederick Douglass and Alaine Locke, and dorms named after Phyllis Wheatley within the Hariett Tubman Quadrangle. We would be nothing without these aforementioned heroes, and sadly i am just coming to this realization.

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