Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Response on Dr. Benjamin's Lecture by Saida Yusuf

Dr. Benjamin's Eloquence of the Scribes lecture was one of my personal favorites. This is because one never hears the word 'scribes' in normal day to day conversation and it piqued an interest from the beginning. Dr. Benjamin went through her explanation of every scribe in the history of Howard University's accomplishments and stories. Some, such as the scribe Zora Neale Hurston, Phyllis Wheatly, Sojourner Truth, and Frederick Douglass were familiar to me; however, scribes such as Alaine Locke and Mordecai Johnson were not. I was intrigued to learn who all of our many buildings and dormitories on campus were named after, and the history that is housed within all of the aforementioned buildings. It was a lecture that taught me much about being ignorant; this University was founded on the terms that it would produce young Black Scholars aware of the world around them, and thats what i intend to be.

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