Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cloning by Saida Yusuf

This last group presented a question that has generated much dispute over the last few years: Cloning. Cloning has been in the works for many years and could possibly be revolutionary and change the way we live as Human Beings forever. The group raised the popular questions: would clones be inferior to us? Would clones rebel? As of right now there are no answers because humans as a species have yet to be cloned, however it has been practiced with many animals. Federal dollars towards cloning have been spent throughout the Bush administration, but were rejected during Clinton's. Cloning is currently banned in 23 countries, including the United States of America. I think it would be revolutionary and a wide and exciting accomplishment for science in the scientific world as an experiment that would prove ourselves to be extremely advanced; however, socially and for society i believe it would strain relationships, it would cause problems, and it would bring up the next essential question: who were superior? the real humans, or the clones created from them.

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