Thursday, December 2, 2010

The HU Boys presentation by Saida Yusuf

The HU boys group presented an interesting presentation on one of Howard's largest social problems: the ratio of men vs. women. Howard's Class of 2014 has 2000+ females and circa 400 males. This makes it difficult for students to interact, as well as asking the question why are there so many females at this University. Howard is one of the premier black HBCUs, and when it was originally founded females were few to none at this campus. Why have the numbers changed so drastically as we progress. The HU boys answered these questions:

-Many African-American males don't graduate, or do poorly in secondary school and don't recieve admission.
-They are unable to pay tuition fees.
-Some are already in jail at this point in their lives.

These statistics are very real and very disappointing to read as a black female; however, this presentation made it clear to me that something has got to give!

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