Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Group Presentation by Saida Yusuf

Our group interviewed Dr. Kravitz of the Howard University psychology department, because our collective research topic was mental health and disorders. Dr. Kravitz answered our questions as follows to the best of his abilities and as far as he could answer them.

Q. What is your background in Psychology?
A. My background in psychology is experimental psychology.
Q. What brought you to teach at Howard University and how has the experience been?
A. I came to Howard because it seemed like a good idea at the time and I enjoy teaching.
Q. Do you think illiteracy is a factor in mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and personality disorders?
A. Yes illiteracy is a problem in mental health issues and there are a lot of consequences that come from illiteracy . Depression, anxiety and personality disorders are some but they are not limited to just those.

Our group discussed many mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and personality disorders. When it comes to black youth all affect us in large numbers, especially after going off to college. We found this to be a good topic because of the relevance it has to many of the students at Howard University going through these specific problems, and in addition we wanted to learn more about it. For our presentation we had a powerpoint aiding us in our speaking as well as flash cards. 

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