Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dr. Pollard's Lecture (Week 4) by Saida Yusuf

This weeks lecture was given by Dr. Alton B Pollard III. It was on the Practices of Freedom, and he touched lightly on freedom, religion, and how these terms have changed over the years for African-Americans to assimilate to their lifestyles. For example, during the times of slavery Freedom for African-Americans meant to literally be free from enslavement to the white man. However, now, freedom can mean many things. Mental slavery exists, by listening to sexist or racist infused music, promoting the theme of women as objects, or black people being good for only the drug trade or their image as ‘thugs’. Freedom from mental slavery is also considered breaking from the norm, individuality. The definition of freedom has changed so much throughout time. Dr. Pollard also tied religion into freedom, speaking of how freedom is the bullet point for all religion in the African community. Religion was defined as being the phenomenon that occurs when a human being accepts the sacred divine into their hearts. As freedom has changed over time, can we say religion has? Personally, I don’t see this as being possible, as I practice a faith that’s texts date back to thousands of years before my time; however, who am I to speak for everyone.

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