Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dr Williams' Lecture (Week 6) by Saida Yusuf

Our last lecture was given by Dr. Dana Williams. Dr. Williams spoke to the group on how to create a good research project, which is very important information seeing as our group is going to have to come up with a research question and project that answers the question. Dr. Williams went over how to correctly formulate that question and how to go about researching it. Dr Williams helped me understand how to gain the most accurate research possible to make my project a success. Methods and the framing for our group projects were stressed as the lecture went on. Out of all the lectures given in our freshman seminar experience I would state Dr Williams as being one of the most important, because although all of the aforementioned and previous lectures were about important topics, this is a certain one we will have to deal with in our near futures. Beginning the research is one of the most important steps in achieving success with this project, so Dr Williams lecture helped me understand how to do that. All in all it was a great way to help us dive into the groundwork of our projects.

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