Monday, October 18, 2010

Learning, Wisdom and the African World Experience - Week #1

               This week’s presentation was based primarily on African terms and symbols. Dr. Carr taught us numerous words but my favorite three were Iwa-l’ewa meaning character with beauty, Ma’at meaning truth and Sedi meaning educate. These three words are my favorite because they mean the most to me. In order to succeed in live one has to be educated either by going to college, or learning a trade or just simply learning how to survive in certain living conditions. For example, a New Yorker has to learn how to live in a big city so they can be safe throughout their daily lives. If someone were to move to New York City but still live by the same standards and conditions they lived by while living on a farm in Wisconsin that person would not be happy or safe living in NYC. Learning how to adapt in different environments is crucial. Being truthful is also a necessity. If one isn’t truthful to others then they won’t be able to deal with others. People surround themselves around people who are honest ad pleasant to be around but if you can’t tell the truth then you are limiting yourself for many job opportunities and relationships with people. In order to have a healthy relationship trust has to be present so not be truthful automatically prevents some relationships form being formed. Having a character of beauty is a great trait to have because beauty is more than just physical appearance but it’s also skin deep; true beauty shines from within. When someone’s has a character of beauty then they are an enjoyable person to be around and they make the worst things in life better. Since Dr. Carr’s speech I have been trying to posses these qualities.

Jasmine Westbrook

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