Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Research and Methodology: Inscription as a Liberating Practice

            Dr. Dana Williams was the last professor to lecture our freshman seminar class. She basically gave us the breakdown of the purpose of the class and how we should go about completing our research project. She gave us detailed instructions on how we should go about collecting data. She also told us how we should go about developing a topic to research. The topic of research was to be carefully chosen because we would have to research the topic very in depth.
            She explained that each person chosen to lecture our classes was told to present research material to us so that we could shape/frame our findings to what they had presented. The purpose of the speakers was to teach us all how to research a different subject and preset them to a lecture hall. The entire time I had been attending freshman seminar I honestly didn’t know the purpose because each speaker talked about a different topic that, in my opinion, didn’t really coincide with one another. After Professor Williams explained that the purpose was to show us how to take a question or topic, research it, and turn it into an informational lecture, it all became very clear to me.
            She also gave all of the dates each of our groups would present our projects. Gave the separate meeting places each group would go to work on our projects. Finally she read blogs from our fellow classmates as a sort of reflection of the class and how others responded to each of the lecturers.
Erin White

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