Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Omoluabi:Self Actualization and Communal Responsibility

            Dr. Segun Gbadegesin is the Associate Dean of Humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences and the professor of Philosophy. He spoke about the Ma’at cultures and traditions.  He told the story and ancient African myth of Iwa and Orunmima, the God of Wisdom, and how everyone takes on their own personal destiny. He spoke a lot about our character and the importance of having a good character. He wanted us a black youth to understand that our character is what defines us and it embodies everything we have to offer. “A man of character is a man of wealth”, he said.
            He stressed the fact that we should carry out the Ma’at lifestyle and if we did so our lives would be fulfilling. There would be no question in our motives because the Ma’at lifestyle goes untouched and unchallenged; everything done in the culture is for a special purpose. He touched upon our existence; challenged us on if we knew why we existed. If we knew what our purpose of existence was and if we were successfully fulfilling what we had been brought here to do.
            He tied his lecture into education and made it apparent that we must take full advantage of our Howard University education. Howard would help to build character and allow us to focus on getting to know ourselves better and to build our character.
Erin White

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