Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Freedom and Justice

Dr. Cain Hope Felder from the school of divinity spoke about justice and the practices of freedom in the United States. Although I could tell Dr. Cain had a very important topic and was even very enthusiastic about carrying out his lecture, it was often very difficult for me to understand a lot of things he was saying.
            I did however gather that he wanted to discredit the notion that those with darker skin are of any lesser value of whites or those of lighter skin. He spoke a lot about freedom and it having to do a lot with religion. He also said that the bible played a major part in the role of women in society.
            Justice and freedom goes hand in hand; especially dealing with African Americans. Due to discrimination there is a lack of justice when blacks are put into complicated situations. Thus taking away the freedom and placing them into the jail systems which has become modern day slavery.

Erin White

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